Welcome, my friends and fellow airline industry whistleblowers!
I currently serve as the national public spokesperson for the grassroots' Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association' whose purpose is to serve our 'special interests', the millions who travel by commercial air and their safety and security concerns, and not those of corporate executives, Wall Street and K-Street lobbyist, and those in Washington, DC who do not serve our interests or share our concerns about the demise of employees within the airline industry. Our interests and concerns are true public air transportation safety and security and not the security of our stock portfolios or reelection to public office.
Our members include those dedicated safety and security professionals that serve our 'special interests' daily...airline aircrew members and employees, FAA and TSA employees, and all other honest citizens who support our courageous and noble efforts to make the skies safer and 'a more user friendly' work environment to our members.
We have a website that is loaded with information concerning the alleged United Airlines post-9/11 bankruptcy corruption and subsequent ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into purported white-collar criminality and other issues. Additionally, the site contains many useful links to other information available to whistleblowers who attempt to report wrongdoing within the workplace, but are somehow stiffled.
Our Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Spot may be accessed by clicking on the link below where you may provide your comments and chat with other airline employees around the world. There are also accessible links on the right hand side of the site that contain useful information also.
Our facebook cause named 'Stop Federal Suppression of Airline Employee Whistleblowers' connects our members together, but is also employed to promulgate very important information via cause bulletins that you will receive via email. Please take the time to join this important cause, as you can invite up to 60 of your airline facebook friends to join us also each day.
If you are not intimately familiar with facebook, please be advised that as you accept your airline friends to be your facebook friend, you can scroll down the left hand side of their wall and suggest up to 50 of your airline friends a day to be their facebook friends also. In this way, we can all globally expand our networks and become one big happy airline family sharing interesting stories and other information concerning problems in the industry that we each face...and then collectively help bring about a positive change!
Our association periodically airs our 'Whistleblowing Airline Employee Blog Talk Radio Program' online and the programs are archived for your future listening and to forward the links to these programs to other interested facebook friends. When aired, calls are received from listeners to voice their grievances or to ask questions of our interesting guests. To access past programs, please visit the site below. Then copy/paste the URL to the program to your facebook walls so that you may share this information with your friends too!
Finally, we consult with various other professional and grassroots national efforts, whose websites are accessible on our website and blog. Please take the time to peruse each site, as they contain very important information. These organizations and links to their websites are located at the bottom of this page.
There have been countless cases of airline, FAA, and employee whistleblower abuse since 9/11 and it must be brought to public awareness by all available means in support of the DOT/FAA and DHS/TSA promises to make our skies the 'safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world'. Suppression of honest whistleblowers attempting to help rectify system errors is in diametric opposition to their stated goals and must be prevented at all costs...especiially within the airline industry.
All whistleblowers assume that they have laws and regulations to protect them, but more importantly, institutions of government support and protection to enforce them. It is only too late in many cases that the honest whistleblower realizes that neither exist after they have spoken out. The consequence is oft times the decimation of reputation, career, family, and/or fiancial ruination.
The phenomenal chilling impact that this has on other would-be whistleblowers who observe unsafe practices may in many cases impinge upon the desire to openly air their grievances, which is totally unacceptable in the airline work environment if we are truly to have the 'safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world'. Our association seeks to serve as a grassroots outlet for those individuals who may have been hampered in making reports while employing the normal communicative channels at their airline.
The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act is coming up for a vote in the senate soon. The House bill H1507 has already passed and includes provisions for jury trials, which enables discovery phase, for federal whistleblowers. The senate version, S372, is still being debated, but does not include this provision. What's more, if passed in its present form, it would be virtually impossible for any employee working in the Department of Justice and the intelligence services to ever blow the whistle on fraud, waste, and abuse issues or other criminal wrongdoing they observe.
Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, are both politically working in earnest for passage of this important legislation in its original form and, as airline employees and whistleblowers, we must each do our part to prevent this, given past whistleblower abuses!
As aviation safety and security professionals, please join our cause, while asking your airline facebook friends to invite 'Daniel William Hanley' to be their friend. As our numbers grow, so too will the strength and volume of our collective voice. Our 'special interests', the airline passengers, expect this of us and we cannot let them down!
Thank you!
Captain Dan Hanley
National Public Spokesperson
Whistrleblowing Airline Employees Association
Affiliate Organizations/Contacts and their websites:
Government Accountability Project - Attorney Tom Devine, Legal Director
National Whistleblower Center - Attorney Colapinto, General Counsel
Project on Government Oversight - Danielle Brian, Executive Director
National Security Whistleblower Coalition - FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, President
FAA Whistleblowers Alliance - Gabe Bruno - Executive Director
Fleur De Lis Film Studios - BJ Davis, President
Forensic Fraud Research - Dr. Jan Schwartz, President
Former McCook Metals, LLC CEO Michael W. Lynch - Associate
National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. - Atty Zena Crenshaw, Executive Director
POPULAR - Attorney Zena Crenshaw - Executive Director
Medical Whistleblower - Dr. Janet Parker, Executive Director
Global Cabin Air Quality Executive - Captain Tristan Lorraine, Chairman
Aerotoxic Association - Captain John Hoyte, Executive Director
Toxic Free Airlines - Flight Attendant Sue Dale, Executive Director
FlyersRights.org - Kate Hanni, Executive Director
OAK - Organizations Associating for the Kind of Change America Really Needs
SafeSkies.ca - Kirsten Stevenson, Executive Director
Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform - David Hutton, Executive Director